The March Lunation

Due to its speed and brevity of influence I don’t usually focus on the transits of the Moon or the lunation cycle – the 29.5-day lunar month from New Moon to New Moon. But this cycle beginning March 17 intrigues me. Astrologically it has another potent look to it.

In this cycle the New Moon starts out at the critical 26th degree of Pisces conjunct wounded healer Chiron. Feisty Mars tags the trio by square at its potent Capricorn ingress. Something Chironic could be the theme of the cycle. On March 24 the first quarter Moon is domicile in Cancer and exactly opposite Mars. It then completes a T-square with Saturn/Pluto and Mercury/Venus/Uranus through March 26. Something big is going on. The Full Moon in Libra March 31 and opposition to Uranus April 1 gets the cycle to a greater degree of tension. Can the Libra Moon maintain pleasantries/impartiality under this pressure? It’s serious business April 7 – 9 around the third quarter Moon in Capricorn. From April 12 – 15 the Balsamic Moon ending phase occurs. In it the Moon passes a second time through Aries.

In condensed and simplified form, the general flow of the lunation cycle is initiation/creation at the New Moon followed by growth and solidification of the impulse over the first half of the cycle. A culmination occurs at or around the Full Moon, followed by dissolution or repudiation of the old forms to the cycle end. Crises can arise if a letting go does not happen by the third quarter.

Notably the lunation cycle begins just before the Spring Equinox March 20, which by itself gives a big boost to 2018. Hence in some way this lunar cycle may serve to congeal world sentiment and emotional energy. It’s something to consider as a potential outcome. Mercury in retrograde entirely in Aries during the cycle will further force dilemmas to the surface. We should expect significant actions and developments at this time along with a more intuitive/emotional level of processing. On a personal level those with natal axes in cardinal signs are likely to be more impacted. A review will follow after the cycle completes.